Courtyard online is your first port of call for all of our product information. Throughout the site you will have access to the information that you require on our range of SPG’s, Test Pattern Generators, Clocks, Character Generators, and Logo Generators.
The current product range is:
CHARACTER GENERATOR : ‘DiamondCREDIT’ is a totally new version of the popular ‘CREDIT’ with all its speed and functionality and much, much more.
LOGO GENERATOR: LogoDog is the most user friendly, user programmable logo generator available for the insertion of logos of any size, from small ‘bug’ styles, right up to full screen versions.
ON-AIR CLOCKS : TimePiece is the ultimate in-vision clock. It produces analogue and digital styles in any size from small ‘breakfast’ styles up to full screen.
SPORTS CLOCKS: Ideally suited to inserting lapsed time, scores, team names and logos. Often used for football/rugby/hockey games where is is installed downstream.
VT CLOCKS : The industry standard video tape leader clock for over twenty five years recently redesigned to meet the requirement for multi-standard, multi-format devices.
SPG, TEST PATTERN & TIME REFERENCE GENERATORS : A significant range of features and facilities to suit almost every possible application including the most demanding mixed format installations. The foremost emphasis is on performance and reliability backed by over 25 years of design investment and experience.
SPG CHANGEOVER UNITS: A choice of 6 or 12 channel universal changeover units complement the CY460 SPG .
Call the friendly Courtyard Sales office on +44 (0)1252 712030 and ask for FREE detailed product literature or send them an E-mail.